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Why should we take Ayurveda products?
How many supplements can I take at a time?
Ayurvedic herbs and spices are generally regarded as safe when consumed in amounts commonly used to prepare or flavor foods. However, it is recommended to consult with your health practitioner on dosage consumption.
How many different products can I take for the same problem?
Can I change my diet for these products?
Which time is the best to take the supplements?
How many months do I need to take the supplements?
Are all of your products organic?
Are Your products vegetarian or vegan?
Can Ayurveda products be used when pregnant?
Can children take Ayurveda products?
Are your products tested for safety?
Is your packaging recyclable?
Can I take Ayurveda products with prescription medicines or other vitamins?
Can I use products after their best before date?
How many imbalances can I correct at the same time?
What importance do herbs have?
Herbs safeguard your body from disease and provide a wide variety of health benefits. Additionally, they also help in food processing and digestion.
Is Ayurvedic medicine safe, or are there side effects?
What's the best time of day to take the supplements?
Where does Ayurveda medicine come from?
Is Ayurveda Recognized by W.H.O?
What are the advantages of Ayurveda medicine over conventional medicine?
How many Ayurvedic herbs should I take?
What Ayurvedic herbs should I take?
What Ayurvedic herbs help anxiety?
What Ayurvedic herbs help sleep?
Are there side effects of herbs and supplements?
Where can I buy Ayurvedic supplements?
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